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An Assassin's Redemption: Pronunciation Guide
Here is a pronunciation guide to all of the various names/locations that I have within my author notes, please send me a message ( if you find something that you feel is missing and I will add it in.
- Aeshun = Ae-shun
- Anbelagol = An-bell-uh-gull
- Ardinal = Are-dih-null
- Bahjrah = Bahge-ruh
- Bakmon = Back-mon
- Baksen = Back-sen
- Balya = Ball-yuh
- Belgolan = Bell-gull-en
- Bertrest = Ber-trest
- Bretavo = Breh-tah-voh
- Calswatch = Cal-swatch
- Coilswhip = coils-whip
- Cornwhich = Corn-which
- Croasta = Crow-ass-tuh
- Croncia = Cron-see-uh
- Dartata = Dar-tah-tuh
- Donavo = Don-uh-voh
- Dronja = Dron-juh
- Dulche = Dull-cheh
- Dutatin = Due-tah-tin
- Ectanorina = Ect-uh-nor-ee-nuh
- Erwynel = Er-win-el
- Eyrica = Eye-ree-kah
- Farsha = Far-shuh
- Garvach = Gar-vatch
- Geofred = Gee-oh-fred
- Gerballum = Ger-ball-um
- Glanial = Gluh-nye-ull
- Hobacio = Hoe-bay-see-oh
- Iceera = Eye-see-ruh
- Jolston = Jole-stun
- Jonjonia = John-jone-ee-uh
- Kartrasssia = Car-trass-see-uh
- Kistassen = Kissed-ass-en
- Lunthen = Lun-thin
- Melten = Mell-ten
- Mincely = Mince-lee
- Monkataka = Mon-kuh-tah-kuh
- Montican = Mon-tee-can
- Muchnican = Much-nick-en
- Muertile = Mwer-tile
- Plotsoma = Plot-so-muh
- Porchenska = Pour-chen-skuh
- Portocola = Pour-toh-col-uh
- Purrata = Purr-ah-tuh
- Queratle = Kwer-at-ull
- Rarrsconsha = Rawr-skahn-shuh
- Rawk-haka = Rock-hawk-uh
- Rawkmon = Rock-mon
- Rogvash = Rog-vosh
- Romeena = Row-me-nuh
- Rompano = Rom-pah-no
- Rovanti = Row-vahn-tea
- Seeche = See-Cheh
- Senatia = Sen-uh-tee-uh
- Shortsnout = Short-snout
- Ssseransa = Sss-er-ahn-suh
- Sssispike = Sss-iss-spike
- Stolsguard = Stole's-guard
- Stonetail = Stone-tail
- Swiftwing = Swift-wing
- Synpomphia = Sin-pom-fee-uh
- Teraniel = Tear-uh-nee-el
- Terrana = Tear-ah-nuh
- Thiassin = Thee-ass-in
- Trevalt = Treh-vault
- Uldina = Ull-dee-nuh
- Vanata = Vuh-nah-tuh
- Veetano = Vee-tah-no
- Watchteller = Watch-tell-er
- Zomitica = Zoh-mit-ih-ka